
Rosana Francescato is the brains and heart behind Rising Sun. Much more than just a seasoned communications professional, Rosana draws from her diverse background in book publishing, tech, and clean energy to help you tell your story.

Our communications strategy starts with developing your brand and narrative. From there, we can help you with all the details of execution — from writing content to creating presentations to getting the word out to the media about your important work.

We specialize in:

    • Writing and editing: Blog posts, articles, op-eds, reports, speeches — we’ve done it all! We know how to reach diverse audiences, from the general public to industry executives to policymakers.
    • Communications strategy: We’ve developed and executed compelling messaging, branding, and communications strategies for start-ups and nonprofits.
    • Clean energy media relations: We build on our strong relationships with clean energy journalists to get your work the coverage it deserves.
    • Information organizing: We love the challenge of a website that needs an overhaul, or a messy Google Drive; organizing is in our DNA! (We don’t normally like this expression, but we feel it’s warranted in this case; organizing really is in Rosana’s DNA.)
    • Project management: From managing books through the production process to managing the production of complex software help systems, our breadth of experience has you covered.

Rising Sun: What’s in a name?

Although Rosana is not a morning person and rarely sees the sun rise, she’s long identified with the rising sun. When she was in junior high, a friend from Iran told her that Rosana meant rising sun in Persian, and from then on she signed her name with a picture of the rising sun. The sun remained a theme when Rosana made a career change from high tech to solar energy.

Her career soon expanded to encompass other Earth-healing solutions in addition to solar, though solar is still a strong focus — and Rosana embraced the rising sun as a symbol of hope and renewal.

About Rosana

Rosana was made in Argentina, raised in Illinois, and found her people in the San Francisco Bay Area. She’s an INFP, a Rebel in the Four Tendencies framework (she had to take the quiz 3 times to believe it!), and a 9 on the Enneagram — and she would definitely be a Gryffindor.

In addition to being driven by a desire to heal the Earth and its inhabitants, Rosana loves making connections among people and subjects, and she appreciates the connections among the environment, society, and community. She excels at seeing the big picture and drawing the most relevant nuggets out of complex information.
