Giving your story the sunshine it deserves

Rising Sun Communications believes in healing the planet and its residents so that we can all thrive — for many generations.

Whether you are promoting clean energy, protecting habitats and wildlife, or doing other planet-healing work, we will find the kernel of your story that inspires action.


Our communications strategy starts with developing your brand and narrative. From there, we can help you with all the details of execution — from writing content to creating presentations to getting the word out to the media about your important work.

Our specialties:

    • Writing and editing
    • Communications strategy
    • Clean energy media relations
    • Information organizing
    • Project management

Why Rising Sun?

Rosana Francescato is the brains and heart behind Rising Sun. Much more than just a seasoned communications professional, Rosana draws from her diverse background in book publishing, tech, and clean energy to help you tell your story.

In addition to being driven by a desire to heal the Earth and its inhabitants, Rosana appreciates the connections among the environment, society, and community. She excels at seeing the big picture and drawing the most relevant nuggets out of complex information.


Rosana unites her passion with writing with her interests in the environment, clean energy, and social issues. She has written articles on topics from solar energy to checklists to time itself.